Sui Network Clarifies Tokenomics of SUI

Token Distribution

Sui Network has responded to concerns about the distribution of its SUI tokens. The network states that locked SUI tokens are held by third-party custodians and cannot be moved until they are unlocked according to the project’s token emission schedule.

Mysten Labs, the developer behind Sui, is not involved in the Sui Foundation’s treasury, community reserve, or any other tokens allocated to investors.

Token Usage

The Sui Foundation holds the largest share of locked tokens, which will be unlocked over time to support builders, advance the Move programming language, enhance network security, and grow the ecosystem.

Staking rewards are already in circulation and are composed of stake subsidies and network fees. 100% of staking rewards earned by the Sui Foundation are returned to the community.

Token Supply

SUI has a maximum supply of 10 billion tokens, with a current circulating supply of 2.33 billion. The circulating supply is expected to increase to approximately 3.6 billion over the next year.