The Next Big Thing in Crypto? Move Ecosystem Might Be It

Venture capitalist Chris Burniske thinks the Move ecosystem could be the next big thing in crypto. He’s particularly interested in the projects built on this technology, like Sui and Aptos.

Why Move?

Burniske believes the Move ecosystem is worth watching because it’s still relatively unknown. He likes to invest in areas that haven’t been flooded with attention yet, as he thinks it gives him a better chance of finding a good deal.

He also highlights the fact that Meta (formerly Facebook) played a big role in developing Move. While many people might be skeptical of Meta’s involvement in crypto, Burniske thinks it could actually be a positive thing. He believes that Meta’s experience in building technology for a wide audience could make Move more accessible to regular people.

A Future of Easy Crypto?

Burniske envisions a future where crypto is integrated seamlessly into our everyday lives. He believes that the Move ecosystem could make this possible by allowing for the creation of simpler, more user-friendly wallets. Imagine being able to access your crypto through your Gmail account or phone number!

The Bottom Line

While the Move ecosystem is still in its early stages, Burniske believes it has the potential to be a major player in the future of crypto. He’s not the only one who thinks so. With its focus on accessibility and user-friendliness, Move could be the key to bringing crypto to the mainstream.