Terra Community’s Revival Plan for LUNC and USTC

Official Organization for Circulating Supply Data

The Terra community is working hard to bring back the glory days of LUNC and USTC. They’ve proposed making Allnodes the official organization responsible for tracking and providing accurate circulating supply data for LUNC.

Why Allnodes?

Allnodes will ensure that the data is:

  • Well-documented
  • Correct
  • Calculated using an agreed-upon method

This prevents unauthorized changes that could harm the network.

Proposed Calculation Method

The proposed method for calculating LUNC’s circulating supply is to subtract:

  • Unvested tokens
  • Community pool holdings
  • Staked and bonded tokens

from the total supply.

FCD API as Official Source

If passed, Allnodes’ FCD API will become the official source of information for:

  • LUNC’s circulating supply
  • USTC’s circulating supply
  • Other native tokens

Voting Status

As of now, only 5.46% of authorized voters have participated. Voting closes on May 19th, so there’s still time for the proposal to pass.