Taki Games and GameFi Bring Web3 Loyalty to Mainstream Gamers

Taki Games, the player-owned mobile gaming network, has partnered with Web3 gaming community GameFi to launch GameFi Food Fighter, a new mobile game that combines addictive gameplay with blockchain-based loyalty. The game aims to bring Web3 loyalty and one of the leading Web3 brands to mainstream gamers.

Taki Games addresses flawed tokenomic models where players suffer from unsustainable token incentives. It pioneered a new approach called Takinomics to prevent runaway inflation from player rewards or speculation. Takinomics maintains a stable in-game economy through a buy-and-burn mechanism that prevents rewards from exceeding revenue generated by the platform.

GameFi is a community formed to accelerate the adoption of Web3 gaming. It believes that gaming can fundamentally improve humanity’s future by unlocking creative and financial opportunities for billions of people. GameFi realizes this vision through grants, investments, research, and open-source tooling.

GameFi Food Fighter is a natural partnership for Taki Games and GameFi. Both organizations share a vision for Web3 to bring gamers and developers closer together. The game will integrate with the Rally Mobile Wallet SDK to distribute rewards to players natively in-app.

The TAK token, which underpins the reward system for GameFi Food Fighter, grants players true ownership in the network and a voice in the ongoing development of the game economy.

Taki Games will fund the continuous buyback of TAK tokens to channel rewards back to players, creating a virtuous cycle that benefits every stakeholder.

GameFi Food Fighter aims to provide a case study for how Web3 primitives can enhance players’ relationships with games. Taki Games’ network of games will be a key player in this expansion, building on its more than five million installs on Android and current position on DappRadar’s top Web3 games.

Taki Games is poised to deliver on the promise of mass market Web3 adoption through mobile games and provide a model for developers who also aspire to bring Web3 economic opportunities to billions of players./p>