Sustainable Bitcoin Mining: PayPal’s Reward System for “Green” Miners


PayPal’s Blockchain Research Group (BRG) has teamed up with Energy Web and DMG Blockchain Solutions to promote sustainable Bitcoin mining.

Bitcoin Mining’s Environmental Impact

Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism consumes significant electricity, leading to carbon emissions. BRG estimates that Bitcoin mining emits over 85 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually.

PayPal’s Proposed Solution

To address this, PayPal proposes incentivizing green miners with BTC rewards.

  • Green Miners: Miners who use low-emissions energy sources would be identified through Energy Web’s “Green Proofs for Bitcoin” initiative.
  • Reward Mechanism:
    On-chain transactions would be routed to green miners with low transaction fees. The rewards would be locked in a multisig payout address, accessible only to green miners.


  • Testing: The solution has been tested successfully with DMG, demonstrating that low-fee transactions can be picked up by green miners.
  • Trade-offs: There are trade-offs in terms of confirmation time for low-fee transactions, but they are considered acceptable.
  • Alternative Solutions: Exploring smart contracts or the Lightning Network is suggested as an alternative approach to address these trade-offs.


Bitcoin mining has faced criticism for its energy consumption. However, research suggests that the industry is increasingly using renewable energy and has a lower carbon footprint than perceived.