Memecoins Fueling Adoption for Base Network

Jesse Pollak, creator of Base, a layer-2 network backed by Coinbase, has highlighted the role of memecoins in driving adoption for the platform.

Memecoins as Onboarding Tools

Pollak believes that memecoins are attracting a large number of new users to Base. He notes that these coins are often driven by creativity and community engagement, which makes them effective in onboarding new people.

Creative Pursuits and Community Activation

Memecoin creators are experimenting with various creative approaches to reach a wider audience. This includes community events, social media campaigns, and other initiatives aimed at making their memes more accessible.

Cultural Phenomenon and Future Growth

Pollak sees memecoins as a cultural phenomenon that will continue to drive adoption for Base. He predicts that these coins will play a significant role in bringing millions more users to the platform in the future.


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