Commencement Chaos: Bitcoin-Fueled Speech Stirs Controversy at Ohio State

Psychedelic Influence and Bitcoin Advocacy

At Ohio State University’s graduation ceremony, speaker Chris Pan sparked a mix of confusion and outrage with his unconventional speech. Pan admitted to writing the draft under the influence of ayahuasca, a psychedelic drug.

His speech took an unexpected turn when he heavily promoted Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation, urging graduates to invest. This endorsement drew audible boos from the audience, as the university’s livestream captured the moment.

University’s Response

Ohio State University quickly distanced itself from Pan’s Bitcoin advocacy, emphasizing that commencement speeches are not pre-approved. The official ceremony write-up omitted any mention of cryptocurrency, focusing on Pan’s message of civility and social responsibility.

Inspiration or Publicity Stunt?

Pan’s use of ayahuasca raised questions about the impact of mind-altering substances on his speech. Some dismissed it as a publicity stunt, while others pondered its potential influence.

Unconventional Message

Despite the controversy, Pan’s core message about overcoming fear and embracing new mindsets resonated with some. He highlighted barriers to investing and encouraged graduates to break free from limitations.

Pan’s Diverse Background

Pan’s eclectic career path, which includes stints at prestigious firms and his own venture, may explain his willingness to challenge convention with his commencement speech.

Lingering Questions

The fallout from Pan’s speech continues. The university’s attempt to distance itself from the Bitcoin promotion raises questions about its control over commencement speeches. Ultimately, Pan’s unorthodox speech will likely be remembered for the controversy it sparked rather than its wisdom.