Bitcoin Booming: Almost Everyone’s Making Money

Profitability Skyrockets

Bitcoin has been on a tear lately, hitting a three-year high. And with that surge, the vast majority of Bitcoin investors are now in the green. A whopping 99.17% of Bitcoin holders are currently making a profit.

No One’s Losing

According to data, none of the 51.45 million Bitcoin addresses are currently in a loss position. This means that even at the current price of around $62,000, everyone holding Bitcoin is making money.

Bullish Momentum

This profitability boost is likely due to several factors, including increased interest from big investors, positive market sentiment, and a strong economy.

Metrics Hitting Records

Other Bitcoin metrics are also on the rise. Whale transactions, transaction volume, and daily circulation have all hit record highs this year.

What’s Next?

With Bitcoin at such a high point, experts are wondering what’s next. Some believe that a major catalyst is on the horizon, which could push the price even higher.