Bank Customer Outraged as $49,500 Vanishes from Account: JPMorgan Chase Failed to Act Despite Immediate Alert

Scammer Impersonates Chase Employee, Dupes Customer into Providing Access Code

Kristal Kuhn, a JPMorgan Chase customer from San Diego, is furious with the bank after falling victim to a scam that resulted in the loss of $49,500 from her account. The incident began when Kuhn received a phone call from someone claiming to be from Chase’s fraud department. Out of caution, she asked her daughter to verify the caller’s phone number, which appeared to belong to Chase.

The caller informed Kuhn that a $2,000 transaction had been flagged and that an access code would be sent to her. After providing the code, Kuhn noticed suspicious activity in her accounts as the scammers attempted to transfer a large sum of money.

Customer’s Urgent Pleas for Assistance Ignored by Chase Branches

Kuhn immediately contacted Chase to freeze the transaction but was told to visit a local branch. Despite rushing to three different branches, she was unable to receive assistance as no one was available to help her. Finally, at the third branch, her account was flagged, but employees struggled to freeze it. By the time the account was successfully frozen, the scammers had already drained $49,500.

Bank Refuses Refund, Citing Customer’s Approval of Transaction

Kuhn is particularly upset with Chase’s response to the incident. Despite her immediate efforts to alert the bank and her repeated visits to branches, Chase refused to issue a refund, claiming that she had approved the transaction. US banking laws protect victims of certain types of fraud, but not when customers are tricked into giving scammers access to their accounts.

Kuhn has filed a complaint with Chase and reached out to the FBI, but her efforts to recover the stolen funds have been unsuccessful so far. The incident highlights the importance of customer vigilance and the need for banks to take proactive measures to protect their customers from fraud.