Wells Fargo Accused of Negligence After $30,000 Theft

Unauthorized Transfers

A California couple, Ron and Jan Scott, alleges that Wells Fargo failed to protect their account from hackers who stole $30,000 in a matter of seconds. The Scotts claim that the hackers gained access to their account after compromising one of their email passwords.

Despite the large amount of money being transferred, the bank reportedly did not raise any red flags or require additional authorization. The thieves attempted to withdraw $25,000 twice from the couple’s business account, but Ron says the bank denied $20,000 of those transactions.

Bank Fees and Denial of Reimbursement

Wells Fargo has also charged the Scotts $1,184 in fees related to the incident. The couple believes that the bank should have prevented the transfers and should not have held them responsible for the fees.

Bank’s Response

When contacted by CBS 8, Wells Fargo stated that it would investigate the matter further and provide a response. However, the Scotts claim that the bank has refused to reimburse them for the stolen funds.

Couple’s Plea

The Scotts are appealing to the bank’s fraud department to replace the stolen money, arguing that Wells Fargo is equally or more responsible for the theft.