Trump Says Dimon’s Stance on Crypto is Softening

Former President Donald Trump says JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, known for his harsh criticisms of crypto, is starting to change his tune.

Trump’s Crypto Shift

Trump, who once called Bitcoin a scam, now says he’s a fan of crypto and wants to protect the industry’s growth in the US. He says he’s learned a lot about crypto through his own experience with NFTs, which he says were mostly paid for in crypto.

China’s Crypto Threat

Trump believes that if the US doesn’t embrace crypto, China will take the lead. He says China is already heavily invested in crypto and that the US needs to stay ahead of the curve.

Dimon as Treasury Secretary?

Trump also said he would consider Dimon for the position of US Treasury Secretary.

Trump’s Running Mate is Pro-Crypto

Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, is also a supporter of crypto. Vance bought between $100,000 and $250,000 worth of Bitcoin in 2022.

Trump’s Crypto Journey

Trump’s change of heart on crypto comes after his own successful NFT venture. He says he was surprised to see how much of the money was paid in crypto, which opened his eyes to the potential of the industry.