Millennials Are Ditching Traditional Finance for Bitcoin: Saylor

MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor thinks millennials are fed up with the traditional financial system and are turning to Bitcoin. He says millennials are realizing that Bitcoin offers many advantages over traditional finance, like 24/7 access.

Why Millennials Love Bitcoin

Saylor points out that traditional finance is only available during business hours, while Bitcoin is always accessible. He compares this to essential services like electricity and the internet, which are always available.

“Why are we stuck with 20th-century banks and markets that shut down on Friday and don’t open until Monday?” Saylor asks. “If we did that to our food, water, or air, it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment.”

Bitcoin’s Future: Saylor’s Prediction

Saylor predicts that Bitcoin’s price will skyrocket in the next two decades. He believes Bitcoin’s annual rate of return will gradually decrease until it reaches $13 million per coin by 2045, with a total market cap of $280 trillion.

“Bitcoin will be 7% of the world’s assets by then,” he says.

Bitcoin’s Current Performance

Bitcoin is currently trading at $56,477, up nearly 3% in the last 24 hours.