Global Crypto Adoption: UAE and Vietnam Lead the Way

Top Adopters

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Vietnam have emerged as global leaders in cryptocurrency adoption.

  • UAE: 30.4% (3 million people)
  • Vietnam: 21.2% (21 million people)

Notable Adoption Rates

Other countries with significant crypto adoption include:

  • Singapore: 11.1%
  • United States: 15.6% (53 million people)
  • Iran: 13.5%
  • Philippines: 13.4%
  • Brazil
  • Saudi Arabia

Lagging Behind

Some countries have shown a more conservative approach to crypto adoption, including:

  • Singapore: Despite its financial hub status, has a lower adoption rate than Vietnam.
  • United States: Stricter regulations have slowed down adoption.

Regulatory Trends

As crypto adoption increases, countries are adapting their regulatory frameworks:

  • Singapore: Has updated its Payment Services Act to regulate digital payment tokens.
  • United States: Has authorized Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs, but seeks a pro-crypto candidate in the upcoming election.