FTX Founder Expresses Remorse, Advocates for Full Compensation for Victims

Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the disgraced founder of the collapsed FTX crypto exchange, has spoken out from prison, expressing remorse for his actions and advocating for full compensation for his victims.

Victims Deserve Full Payment

In his first week of a 25-year prison sentence, SBF stated that victims “deserve to be paid in full, at current price.” He emphasized that this should have happened in November 2022 and could still be done today.

Financial Times Report

According to a recent Financial Times report, FTX is likely to pay its former customers 120-140% of their holdings’ value at the time of the bankruptcy filing.

SBF’s Remorse

SBF expressed remorse for the pain he caused, stating that he never intended to harm anyone. He acknowledged his responsibility as CEO and emphasized that it doesn’t matter why things went wrong when one is in charge.

Frustration in Prison

SBF expressed frustration at being unable to do more to help from prison. He said he’s haunted by the losses and would give anything to repair the damage.

Assets Available

SBF maintains that there have been enough assets to repay customers for some time. He said he’s doing everything he can to assist from behind bars.