Former Bank Manager Convicted of Stealing from Deceased Customer

James Gomes, a former bank manager, has admitted to stealing over $200,000 from a customer’s accounts.

Unauthorized Access and Fraud

Gomes, 43, worked as a branch manager for an international bank. He accessed the victim’s accounts over a dozen times without authorization between January and April 2020.

Using a fake email address created under the victim’s name, Gomes enrolled the accounts in online banking and linked his personal phone number to them.

Transferring Funds and Concealing Crime

Gomes transferred $208,939 from the victim’s accounts to his personal accounts and investment account. To conceal his actions, he sent messages from the fake email address to his work account, making it appear as if the victim had authorized the transfers.

Theft Continued After Victim’s Death

Gomes continued the scheme even after the victim’s death on April 6, 2020.


Gomes faces a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison and a $1 million fine. His former employer has reimbursed the victim’s estate for the losses.