Fighting Fake Videos: A New Law Wants to Label AI-Made Content

The internet is getting flooded with fake videos that look incredibly real, thanks to AI. These “deepfakes” can be used to spread misinformation or harm people’s reputations. To combat this, a group of US senators has proposed a new law called the COPIED Act.

What is the COPIED Act?

The COPIED Act wants to make sure that all AI-generated content is labeled with a special code, like a watermark. This code would tell you that the content was created by AI, not a real person. This way, people can easily spot fake videos and avoid being fooled.

Why is this important?

Imagine someone creating a fake video of you saying something terrible, and then sharing it online. This could ruin your reputation and cause serious problems. The COPIED Act aims to prevent this by making it harder to spread fake content.

Who’s behind the COPIED Act?

Senators Maria Cantwell, Marsha Blackburn, and Martin Heinrich are leading the charge for this new law. They believe that it’s crucial to protect people from the dangers of deepfakes and ensure that creators retain ownership of their work.

What happens next?

The COPIED Act will be reviewed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which will be responsible for enforcing the law. The FTC will investigate any cases of companies or individuals violating the law.

Mixed Reactions

While many people support the COPIED Act, some in the tech industry are concerned about its impact. They worry that the law might stifle innovation and make it harder for AI companies to develop new technologies.

The Future of AI and Deepfakes

The COPIED Act is just one step in the fight against deepfakes. As AI technology continues to advance, we’ll need to find new ways to protect ourselves from the potential harms of this powerful technology. The COPIED Act is a good starting point, but it’s clear that we need to keep talking about this issue and find solutions that work for everyone.