Denmark Wants to Tax Your Crypto Gains, Even If You Haven’t Sold Them

Denmark is thinking about a new tax rule that could make crypto investors pay taxes on their profits, even if they haven’t sold their coins. This would be a big change for crypto investors, as it would make their investments more similar to traditional investments like stocks or real estate.

What’s the Plan?

The Danish Tax Law Council, a group of experts, came up with this idea. They want to make sure that crypto investors are treated the same way as other investors. They suggest a 42% tax on any profits made from crypto, even if you haven’t sold them. This new law could come into effect as early as 2026.

Why the Change?

The Danish government wants to make things fairer for everyone. They think it’s not right that some crypto investors can avoid paying taxes while others have to pay on their traditional investments. This new tax system would make things more equal.

How it Would Work

The new system would have three parts:

  • Capital Gains Tax: This is the main part of the plan. It would tax any profits made from crypto at 42%, even if you haven’t sold them.
  • Inventory Tax: This would make investors pay taxes on the entire value of their crypto holdings every year, even if they haven’t sold anything.
  • Loss Write-Offs: This would allow investors to reduce their taxes by deducting any losses they make on their crypto investments.

Other Countries are Doing it Too

Denmark isn’t the only country thinking about this. Italy is also considering raising taxes on crypto profits. New Zealand is making it harder for people to avoid paying taxes on crypto. And in Japan, some politicians are promising to lower taxes on crypto if they are elected.

This new tax plan is a big deal for crypto investors in Denmark. It’s still early days, but it’s something to keep an eye on.