Crypto Is More Than Just Money: Vitalik Buterin’s Take on Crypto and Politics

Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, recently shared his thoughts on the growing trend of the crypto community supporting politicians who claim to be “pro-crypto.” He argues that this support is misguided and goes against the core values of the crypto industry.

Beyond the Money

Buterin emphasizes that crypto is about much more than just money. He reminds us that the crypto movement was born out of the cypherpunk movement, a group that championed the use of technology to protect individual freedoms. This movement envisioned a world where technology could be used to ensure privacy, freedom of communication, and access to information.

While Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, emerged as a way to facilitate online payments, it was also used to support artists and creators without relying on restrictive copyright laws. Buterin highlights that the foundation of crypto is built on “freedom” in various spheres:

  • Freedom and privacy of communication
  • Freedom and privacy-friendly digital identity
  • Freedom and privacy of thought
  • High-quality access to information

The Problem with “Pro-Crypto” Politicians

Buterin believes that many politicians who claim to be “pro-crypto” are only interested in the financial aspects of the industry. He points out that recent legislation like the “Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act” (FIT21) focuses solely on the use of cryptocurrencies and doesn’t address the broader issues that the crypto community cares about.

He urges the crypto community to ask themselves some important questions before supporting any politician:

  • Are they truly aligned with the core values of the crypto movement?
  • Do they have a vision for the future of technology, politics, and the economy that aligns with your own?
  • Do they have a positive vision that extends beyond short-term gains and divisive politics?

If a politician doesn’t meet these criteria, Buterin suggests staying out of politics entirely or finding other forces to align with. He believes that supporting politicians solely based on their stance on cryptocurrency is a mistake that ultimately undermines the core values of the crypto movement.