Crypto Heist in Thailand: Home Invasion Leads to $2 Million Transfer

Four armed suspects broke into a luxury home in Thailand and forced the owner to transfer millions of dollars in cryptocurrency. The incident happened in the early hours of Wednesday morning when the homeowner, a Chinese businessman, was sleeping with his wife.

The Robbery

The suspects, all Chinese nationals, entered the home around 2 AM while the family was asleep. They tied up the homeowner, his wife, and a maid, then demanded the homeowner call a relative in China to send them $2 million worth of crypto. After the transfer was complete, the robbers took the security camera servers and escaped in the victim’s car.

The Investigation

The stolen car was found abandoned later that day. Police are investigating the incident and believe the robbery was well-planned. They are looking into whether the robbery was a result of a debt or a personal dispute.

A Vietnamese man suspected of being involved in the robbery was arrested on Friday. Authorities believe the suspects also stole 10 million baht ($57,750) in cash during the break-in.

The investigation is ongoing.