Crypto Doesn’t Need to Be the Next Internet, Says Investor

Crypto investor Arthur Cheong thinks crypto doesn’t need to be as big as the internet to be successful. He believes that crypto can make a huge impact even if it doesn’t become mainstream.

Focus on Specific Use Cases

Cheong argues that trying to get everyone to use crypto might be a mistake. Instead, he believes crypto is best suited for specific areas like:

  • Global money: A way to send money across borders without relying on banks.
  • Decentralized finance: A way to manage money without needing traditional financial institutions.

He thinks that focusing on these specific areas will have a bigger impact than trying to make crypto something everyone uses.

Bitcoin on the Rise

Cheong is also bullish on Bitcoin. He thinks Bitcoin is poised for a rally after the German government sold off its Bitcoin holdings and traditional investors bought it up. He also sees investors moving towards high-quality crypto projects.

A Shift in Focus

Cheong’s comments suggest a shift in thinking about crypto. Instead of focusing on mass adoption, the focus is now on specific use cases and high-quality projects. This could be a sign that the crypto market is maturing and becoming more focused on its potential real-world applications.