Bitcoin’s Big Moment: Could It Become a National Treasure?

Bitcoin is making headlines, and one expert thinks it could become a national asset. Andrew Kang, a well-known crypto expert, believes that some governments are considering adding Bitcoin to their treasury reserves. While this is still just speculation, it’s a big deal because it could have a huge impact on the crypto world.

Bitcoin’s Potential Price Surge

Kang argues that if Bitcoin becomes a national asset, its value could skyrocket to $1 million. He believes Bitcoin’s current market cap is undervalued, even with a low probability of 5-10%. This is especially true considering the recent surge in interest in Bitcoin, which has gone from less than 1% to a much higher level.

A Domino Effect for Global Adoption

If the US were to adopt Bitcoin as a reserve currency, it could trigger a domino effect around the world. Other countries might follow suit, solidifying Bitcoin’s position as a store of value and accelerating its use in global financial markets.

Rumors of a major Asian company taking on roles similar to Coinbase and MicroStrategy are adding to the optimism. This could further boost Bitcoin’s image and encourage more companies to invest in the crypto market.

Benefits and Risks

While the idea of Bitcoin as a national asset has potential benefits, it’s not without risks.


  • Global Financial Leadership:

    It could help the US maintain its position as a financial leader, especially compared to China and Russia.

  • Innovation and Expertise: It could encourage innovation and attract blockchain experts.
  • Regulation and Security: It could lead to a comprehensive regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies, making transactions safer and promoting widespread adoption.


  • Volatility: Bitcoin’s extreme volatility poses a threat to economic stability. A sudden drop in Bitcoin’s value could disrupt the economy and make it difficult for governments to manage monetary policy.

The Road Ahead

The discussion about Bitcoin as a national asset highlights its growing prominence and its potential to reshape global finance. With ambitious price targets and the potential to spark a global trend, Bitcoin is on the cusp of a major transformation.

However, the road ahead will be challenging and requires careful planning. The coming months will be crucial in determining whether Bitcoin becomes a cornerstone of national financial systems or remains a speculative asset with untapped potential.