Bitcoin as a National Treasure?

A new bill in the US could make Bitcoin a key part of the country’s financial strategy. This has sparked a lot of excitement in the crypto world.

A Bitcoin Boost for America

Senator Cynthia Lummis, a big supporter of crypto, has introduced a bill called the “BITCOIN Act” that would allow the US government to buy up to 1 million Bitcoins over the next five years. The idea is to use Bitcoin as a way to fight inflation and strengthen the US dollar.

The bill would also set up secure storage for these Bitcoins, making sure they’re protected from cyberattacks.

The People Speak: Over 1,100 Letters Sent to Senators

The Satoshi Action Fund, a group that promotes Bitcoin, created a way for people to easily send letters to their senators urging them to support the bill. In just one day, over 1,100 letters were sent!

This shows just how much support there is for making Bitcoin a part of the US financial system.

Big Businesses on Board

It’s not just individuals who are excited about this bill. The Digital Chamber, a major blockchain company, has also sent a letter to senators, saying the bill is good for the country’s economic future.

With so much support from both the public and big businesses, it looks like the BITCOIN Act could be a real game-changer for Bitcoin and the US economy.