Big Banks Can Weather a Financial Storm

Despite riskier lending practices, the Federal Reserve (Fed) reports that America’s largest banks have sufficient capital to withstand a major financial crisis.

Stress Test Results

In a simulation, the Fed tested 31 of the nation’s biggest banks against a “highly stressful scenario” that included:

  • 55% stock market decline
  • 40% drop in commercial real estate prices
  • 10% unemployment

Despite these severe conditions, all the banks passed the test, demonstrating their ability to absorb losses.

Increased Risk on Bank Balance Sheets

However, the Fed noted that the banks’ balance sheets have become riskier this year due to:

  • Higher credit card balances
  • Tighter lending margins
  • Riskier corporate credit portfolios


The Fed’s stress test provides assurance that the largest banks are financially sound and can weather a severe economic downturn. However, the increased risk on their balance sheets highlights the need for continued vigilance in monitoring the banking sector.