Bitcoin’s Next Big Run: When Will It Peak?

A crypto expert thinks Bitcoin’s next big price surge is just around the corner!

When will Bitcoin reach its peak?

One expert, Rekt Capital, thinks Bitcoin could hit its peak in October 2025. He’s looking at historical patterns and the Bitcoin Halving, which happens every four years.

The Halving Effect

Rekt Capital says the Halving acts like a mirror for Bitcoin’s price. He noticed that Bitcoin usually bottoms out about 500 days before the Halving and then peaks about 500 days after the Halving.

Since the last Halving was in April 2024, he predicts Bitcoin could peak around October 2025.

The Parabolic Upside Phase

Rekt Capital also believes Bitcoin is about to enter a “Parabolic Upside Phase.” This means the price will go up really fast.

He says Bitcoin usually breaks out of its “Reaccumulation Phase” about 150 days after the Halving. We’re already 157 days past the Halving, so he thinks Bitcoin could break out any day now.

What does this mean for investors?

Rekt Capital says the best of Bitcoin’s bull market is yet to come. If his predictions are right, investors could see some big gains in the next few years.