Ethereum Creator Vitalik Buterin Holds Strong: No ETH Sales for Personal Gain

Ethereum’s mastermind, Vitalik Buterin, has declared he hasn’t sold any of his ETH for personal gain since 2018. He’s only parted with his Ethereum to support projects within the Ethereum ecosystem and charitable causes.

Supporting the Ethereum Ecosystem

Buterin clarified that any ETH sales have been directed towards projects he believes in, both within the Ethereum ecosystem and in broader charity work. He cited biomedical research and development as an example.

He also highlighted the Ethereum Foundation’s recent grant program, which awarded $8.4 million to projects in the last quarter.

Decentralized Finance: A Long-Term Perspective

Buterin also shared his thoughts on decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, emphasizing the importance of sustainability. He believes that DeFi protocols need to prove their worth by operating without sacrificing core crypto principles like decentralization and permissionless access.

He expressed skepticism towards business models relying heavily on liquidity farming, calling them unsustainable in the long run. Buterin believes that such models are based on temporary incentives that lack longevity.

Buterin’s Crypto Favorites

In recent discussions, Buterin has named some of his favorite crypto projects, including the crypto betting platform Polymarket and stablecoins USDC and RAI.

Holding Strong: The Future of Ethereum

With Ethereum currently trading at $2,437, Buterin’s commitment to holding his ETH reflects his strong belief in the future of the project. He’s clearly invested in the long-term success of Ethereum and its ecosystem.