Bitcoin Will Face Unexpected Crises, But That’s Normal, Says Bitwise CIO

Bitcoin is becoming more stable, but it’s still early days

Matt Hougan, the big boss at Bitwise, a company that invests in crypto, says Bitcoin is getting more stable and is becoming like gold. He thinks Bitcoin is a good place to store your money, especially since the US dollar has lost a lot of value recently.

But Hougan also warns that Bitcoin will still go through some rough patches. He says that because Bitcoin’s price changes in real-time, investors feel the ups and downs more than with other investments.

Unexpected events can shake things up

Things like elections, debt levels, and even unexpected crises can cause Bitcoin’s price to jump around. Hougan compares it to a young tech company that’s still figuring things out.

He says Bitcoin is still in its early stages, so it’s normal to see a lot of volatility. He’s confident that Bitcoin will eventually become more stable, but it’s hard to say how long that will take.