Binance Demands Release of Jailed Executive in Nigeria

Binance, a major cryptocurrency exchange, is demanding the release of its executive, Tigran Gambaryan, who has been imprisoned in Nigeria for six months.

Unjust Detention and Deteriorating Health

Binance CEO Richard Teng claims Gambaryan, a US citizen, is being held unjustly and is suffering from severe physical and mental deterioration. He alleges the Nigerian government is denying Gambaryan proper medical care, including basic necessities like a wheelchair, despite his herniated disc and inability to walk.

Baseless Accusations and Pressure on Nigeria

Binance refutes claims linking the company to Nigeria’s economic woes, including the decline of the Naira. Teng insists Binance’s operations in Nigeria are relatively small and the currency’s fall is due to broader economic factors.

Binance is urging the US government to classify Gambaryan as an “unlawfully detained” citizen, which could trigger political pressure on Nigeria to release him. They are also calling on global citizens and organizations to advocate for Gambaryan’s freedom and condemn Nigeria’s “unjust detention practices.”

Willingness to Cooperate, But Only After Release

Despite the situation, Binance remains open to working with the Nigerian government to develop the country’s Web3 industry and attract foreign investment, but only after Gambaryan’s release.

Teng concludes by appealing to Nigerian decision-makers to allow Gambaryan to return home to his wife and children on humanitarian grounds.