Bitcoin Could Hit $148,000: Sovereign Wealth Funds Are Key

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) could be the key to sending Bitcoin to new heights, according to Bitcoin advocate Daniel Batten. He believes that if these funds, which manage trillions of dollars, were to invest even a small percentage of their assets in Bitcoin, the price could skyrocket to over $148,000.

Why SWFs Are Holding Back

The main reason SWFs haven’t jumped on the Bitcoin bandwagon isn’t a lack of interest, but rather a lack of suitable investment frameworks. Many SWFs are heavily influenced by ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, and Bitcoin’s environmental impact has been a major hurdle.

Batten argues that the ESG concerns are based on outdated information. Bitcoin mining technology has evolved significantly, and its environmental footprint is much smaller than many believe.

Changing Perceptions

Batten is actively working to educate SWFs about these advancements. He’s engaging with their ESG committees to dispel misconceptions and highlight the positive environmental impact of Bitcoin.

He points to recent investments by state pension plans in the US, such as those by Wisconsin and Michigan, as evidence that even small allocations can have a significant impact on Bitcoin’s price and market perception.

The Future of Bitcoin

Batten believes that SWF investments could not only drive a Bitcoin bull run, but also legitimize the market for more conservative investors. He sees this as a more likely path to mainstream adoption than convincing a nation-state or large company like MicroStrategy to invest.

While there are challenges, Batten believes that overcoming the ESG hurdle is more achievable than convincing governments or corporations to embrace Bitcoin.