Trump Wants to “Hand ‘Em a Little Bitcoin” to Pay Off US Debt

Donald Trump is back with another bold idea: using crypto to wipe out the US national debt. During a recent interview, the former president suggested that he could give Americans a “little Bitcoin” to pay off the whopping $35 trillion debt.

Trump’s Crypto Vision

Trump didn’t offer any specifics on how he’d pull off this crypto-powered debt elimination. But he’s clearly a fan of the technology, calling it “intellectually very high level.” He even went so far as to say that the US should be a leader in the crypto sector.

At a recent Bitcoin conference, Trump pledged to stop the government from selling seized Bitcoin on the open market. Instead, he wants to hold onto it as an investment.

A Shift in Stance?

Trump’s crypto enthusiasm is a bit of a change from his past statements. Back in 2018, he reportedly told the Treasury Secretary to investigate Bitcoin for fraud. He’s also previously called crypto “a disaster waiting to happen.”

Trump’s Crypto Campaign

This year, Trump is trying to appeal to crypto enthusiasts by positioning himself as a crypto-friendly candidate. He’s even using crypto to raise campaign funds.

It remains to be seen whether Trump’s crypto plans will resonate with voters. But one thing is for sure: he’s not afraid to make bold claims about the future of finance.