Crypto Trader Loses $1 Million from Binance Due to Chrome Plugin Exploit

Unauthorized Trading

A Chinese crypto trader named CryptoNakamao lost $1 million from his Binance account on May 24. The incident occurred when a malicious Google Chrome extension hijacked his Binance session.

Plugin Theft

The Aggr Chrome plugin stole CryptoNakamao’s web browsing and cookie data, allowing the hacker to access his Binance account without needing his password or 2FA. The hacker then executed leveraged trades to manipulate the prices of low-liquidity pairs and profit from them.

Slow Response

CryptoNakamao contacted Binance customer support immediately, but he claims the response was slow, allowing the hacker to continue trading. He also alleges that Binance was aware of the malicious plugin but did not take timely action.

Binance’s Response

Binance denies knowing about the Aggr plugin before CryptoNakamao’s incident. They also claim they did not link Doomxbt’s previous investigation to the Chrome extension. Additionally, they state they were not aware of any influencer promoting the malicious plugin.

Community Warning

The crypto community had been warning users about this type of exploit for about a week before CryptoNakamao’s incident. Binance ultimately stated that they could not compensate CryptoNakamao because his account was manipulated by the malicious plugin.