Coinbase’s Legal Battle with the SEC: The Interlocutory Appeal

Coinbase’s Appeal Request

Coinbase is facing a legal battle with the SEC over whether its staking program constitutes an investment contract. Coinbase believes this is a critical legal question that should be addressed by an appellate court.

SEC’s Response

The SEC argued that the existing Howey Test is sufficient to determine whether a digital asset transaction is an investment contract. They also said that no court has ever required a post-sale contract in applying the Howey Test.

Coinbase’s Rebuttal

Coinbase countered that the case involves a novel issue: whether a digital asset transaction without post-sale obligations can be an investment contract under Howey. They also accused the SEC of avoiding the main question by focusing on the application of the Howey Test to crypto transactions.

Coinbase’s Hopes for a Favorable Outcome

Coinbase believes that a favorable outcome in the interlocutory appeal could invalidate over 70% of the SEC’s complaints. They argue that this would streamline the discovery process and trial by eliminating claims related to the staking program.

Background of the Case

The SEC charged Coinbase in June 2023 with operating as an unlicensed securities exchange. The outcome of this case is expected to have significant implications for crypto regulations in the US.