Wells Fargo Delays Customer’s $7,000 Refund for Seven Months

Stolen Funds and Altered Check

Lindsay Aleman, a Wells Fargo customer, reported that $7,000 was stolen from her account in July. She discovered that a check she had mailed to pay taxes had been altered to a different amount and payee.

Prolonged Claim Process

Aleman filed a claim with Wells Fargo, but the bank claimed not to have received it and closed the case. Despite submitting a second claim, she was repeatedly told that it was “in process.”

Media Intervention and Refund

After seven months of delays, Aleman reached out to the media. Following inquiries from NBC10, Wells Fargo promptly refunded her stolen funds and provided a $200 customer voucher.

Bank Statement

Wells Fargo responded with a general statement, emphasizing the importance of customer asset protection and its efforts to combat check fraud.